Here you will find individuals/Companies that played key roles in making TheOfficialCampaign.com everything that it is today.
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Our Mission is to provide the Ultimate MARKETING & PROMOTIONS platform. A MULTI MEDIA outlet that serves as a stage for all entertainers and as an ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTORY for those wishing to solicit any of their services.
THE CAMPAIGN is the only promotional brand that distributes the customer's product through multiple outlets (Website/Physical locations), and provides a profile within a categorized online directory along with their full RESUME and DEMO. All while simultaneously creating our own content to entertain and drive the audience back to the same directory where they can then find these SERVICE PROVIDERS and contact them directly. It would be safe to say, "We're like an interactive YELLOW PAGES for Entertainment".
On top of being a "1 STOP SHOP" for all entertainment, We also took it upon ourselves to serve as an "ENTERTAINMENT NOTARY". Basically, notarizing by placing our "SEAL OF APPROVAL"(LOGO SEAL) on content that we feel meets our "HIGH QUALITY STANDARDS". Making it OFFICIALLY "APPROVED and CERTIFIED". So, Upon noticing the logo, you'll know that the material associated with it is worth your time.
THE CAMPAIGN is not solely a Revenue driven Company, We're built on the foundation of QUALITY & INTEGRITY. By focusing on Quality, we have established a trustworthy relationship with our audience and consumers, which has translated to LOYALTY. We are respected as a brand that is sure to present nothing but the BEST in Entertainment and effective promotional strategies. Over all, our goal is to instill MORALS and VALUES back into a society that seems to have lost it's way along the years.
Everyone representing THE CAMPAIGN brand, takes an Oath to consistently communicate our code of ethics in all aspects of their lives. This code consists of 3 key principles, which are RESPECT, HONESTY and LOYALTY. We believe that these are "The 3 PILLARS OF LIFE", and that any relationship built on these 3 qualities is
built to last FOREVER.